Would You Like To Learn A Simple Study Strategy?

Properly retaining the right information takes a targeted approach that helps you understand the fundamentals. So what’s the strategy that all academic decathlon winners take? Follow me here. We created this system to get to the bottom of how we can help other students learn in a way that suits their needs. That’s what we’re about. Now continue reading our story and further down the page to discover this simple trick you need to know.

The eCoreAcademy Story

Just as you would take any profession seriously, we’ve discovered that treating your studies as a career yields the best results. As a brother-sister duo that has academically gamified our high school experiences, we want to share that with you.

What began as an experiment has proven to actually bring results. How do we know? Through rigorous testing, iterations, and adaptations our family has secured one of the most efficient processes for adapting to the ever-evolving curriculums you’ll encounter.

Anita and AJay's main goal is to connect students around the world with access to premium educational opportunities. Every individual should have the ability to foster and enrich hisor her learning using eCoreAcademy, which will adapt and provide according to the needs of its studentcommunity.

Here’s That Trick We Promised You

In one word, it is summarized as a process. Relying on that textbook and those complicated worksheets to get you might not be the most effective strategy. What you need is a process that’s been tested, tried, and holds true under various subjects. The process is so simple it’s almost stupid (delete this). In reality, we discovered that it’s always the simplest solution that delivers results for the most complicated of conundrums. With a process based on understanding the fundamentals of attacking complex material, you’ll carry those same skills throughout your academic career. Tackling everything from computer science to trigonometry and beyond will now be as easy as pie.

Helping You Meet Those Goals

Now that you know what we’re about, let’s get started. It’s totally free. Embark on the journey.